Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I am so often reminded that we need to take joy in the little things in life! and lately, you know, I'm feeling pretty joyful because I am setting a healthy example for my kids!

While working out the other day, I turned around to find my 6 yr old (Olivia) was doing, perfectly executed, one armed pushups. She took great joy in the fact that I could NOT do it!
and this morning while working out, my 4 yr old (Cooper) came downstairs, gave me a big hug, and said, "woa Mom, you're smok'n hot!


  1. WOW, can I borrow your kids for a day?! That's awesome. Seriously, one armed push-ups?

  2. Seriously!
    She is crazy strong!

  3. That is the cutest thing ever.
    I have shivers, because you are passing on healthy living to your children. What a gift!
