Sunday, June 20, 2010

Active Living

It's hard to believe it's been 4 weeks! I'm secretly dreading the end of the 6 weeks, wondering how I'm going to keep up the intensity of exercise. I love to be active but I don't often push myself to do that one last set or those last 15 seconds if you know what I mean. I've had such fantastic results and feel great. My shoulders and arms look quite different (to me) and the muffin top is less pronounced. Now that we've had a few beach days I'm happy to say I'm feeling more confident in my swimsuit.

I'm more aware of good posture and which muscles I'm using for everyday activities. I even noticed yesterday that the core work and focus has improved my centering on the wheel (pottery)! I'm paying more attention to doing active things with my kids. They always like to run around the yard but are so receptive to me engaging them with new ideas. I want my girls to be able to throw a proper spiral with a football, that kind of stuff. They've picked up their biking like crazy over the last week and are building "stunts" on the driveway now. I love that! It feels like a lot of pressure but these are life habits we're setting up for them...

In general I think I'm going to find it easier to keep up the new eating habits. I decided to take the weekend off of Vitabot to see what would happen. I want the changes to become increasingly internally motivated over time, rather than doing it to please a program or person. On Saturday I didn't keep track at all and I think I ended up doing quite well. At a party I parked myself beside the veggie tray instead of the chip bowl and passed on the cake. Today was different. I didn't plan to write it down but I felt so bloated and tired by evening that I decided to go back through my day and log it. Ick. I covered off most of the vitamins and minerals all right, but blew through the calories, fat, sodium and alcohol. It's important to connect it to how I'm feeling, rather than just the "failure" with numbers. Win some, lose some. It wasn't a great day but tomorrow is another one, right?

Looking forward to another week!

1 comment:

  1. Love this, love your honesty
    You have the mentality about it RIGHT!!
    To me that is success
