Wednesday, July 14, 2010

the results

Here's the scoop on the boot camp results.

I lost 5 1/2 inches and 11 lbs! Most of it came off the hips & thighs, and that is a good thing. I can see a lot more muscle than I used to. I'm back in what I consider my ideal weight range and feel fantastic. I went down a size or two in pants can now do 26 push-ups instead of 5. I've really improved my eating habits and although it's always easy to be critical, I'm really pleased about it in general. I've had so much fun and am so happy about how I feel that I'm going to stay on with Tami and learn to be a trainer! Good times.

These are my before & after shots. I tried to keep the same pose although I'd rather show off my "new" arms. I feel like the real difference is a lot more dramatic than the photos...proof that we should force ourselves to take more of those "befores".

Friday, July 9, 2010

6 Weeks flew by...

Hi My Most Inspiring Ladies I ever met...

I was one who could not complete the 6 weeks as I reinjured the knee and was waaaayyyy outta my league with you fitness wise..HOWEVER...I wore a dress to my sons Grad that I did not think possible, I make way different choices when I eat , I enjoy walking again...not backwards dogs upside down snakes and whatever the heck a plane is...I was pretzelled at most times trying to figure out where I should be...but you are all amazing and so uplifting and encouraging..I am glad I tried..I do not feel as thoughI failed..perhaps let some people down...but I will not give up...I may never be able to burpee into a spiderman walk superman pushup with no arms..but hey...I wore the mini dress...i chose salad not fries by choice and have not had potato chips in 6 weeks..HUGE for me... I am not eating no wheat germ yet..but never say never... good luck as you all go looking back...congrats to Tannis for the Moms to be....and all the others..but mostly Thank you Tami...for not giving up on me..encouraging me and for not judging me...but next time YELL at me..
Love to all Stay healthy..
darlene...aka Freezey!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

6 week challenge is over!

Awesome work to all of you.
I am proud of each one of you. Not everyone was able to finish the challenge, but i think everyone has made some changes in their lifestyle that they will keep. It has been a journey that i have enjoyed with each of you. I haven't received all your fit tests. I am looking forward to seeing all your results.

If any of you need ongoing support I am available for you.
Please don't hesitate to e-mail or call.

Also I'd like to  say how excited I am that Tannis is going to train with me to become a Tyson Method trainer. I couldn't be more excited and proud of her.

Keep up the healthy lifestyle ladies
lots of love

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I have had such a wonderful time!
I have been able to loose 11lbs and 4 1/2 inches!
I have gained confidence in my eating decisions...which has ALWAYS been my battle.

I am looking forward to being able to work out again (ask my husbund...I'm driving him crazy!)
I had surgery on my uterus last tues. I tried working out a bit yesterday, but definately paid for it in the evening.

Thanks's been so much fun to walk this road with you!
Who knows, maybe we'll meet here again! :-)

Monday, July 5, 2010

i will leave the workouts up

For all you ladies that want that extra week.
Makes mw happy you want the extra week.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Well Done!

Is it all over? It hardly seems like it was 6 weeks, I had a blast doing the challenge. Now for the next challenge...keeping it going! I'm looking forward to doing my fitness test in the next few days and might even post the highlights, you never know. What I do know is that I'm tightened up all over and have dropped at least one size, both top and bottom.

My girls and I are attending a small wedding on Monday and there will be no shortage of wine flowing and chips for dipping. It's only 2 nights but will be the longest I've been away from my own kitchen since changing my eating habits. There aren't really restaurants available (in my price range anyway) so we'll actually be cooking our own food. It seems fitting to spend a couple of nights at wonderful hot springs to celebrate the completion of this program. Well done to all of us!